I can´t accurately
describe how my mission here in Cabo Verde has changed and affected me, and I´m
not even going to try. One of the jokes between all us missionaries is that no
one will ever understand what it is to serve a mission in Cabo Verde until
they´ve actually... served a mission in Cabo Verde, but I will share one thing that
I´ve been thinking about a lot lately, what I think is probably the biggest
thing I have learned on my mission.
Before my mission, I
read books and blogs about people who gave up worldly comforts to help others,
and I always liked to think I could do that. I had hoped, but I didn´t know,
because truth is, I like comfy things! However, as the finish line comes into
sight I have the desire to slow down my pace, because truth is... I don´t mind
sleeping with cockroaches (although I will still flip out a little). I´ve been
wearing the same two skirts for the past six months and it doesn´t bother me. I
have eaten more sketch food than one needs in a lifetime and I don´t remember
the last time my hair was done or my clothes were 100% dry. I have sat on the cement
floor for more lessons than I can count with the most amazing people you will
ever meet and.... I love it. I love all the uncomfortable things, because they
help you focus on the happy things. Real happiness, that can´t be found in
Walmart or at concert or in a smart phone (although I´m totally playing that
new Pokémon app when I get home). Truth is, not only did I learn I could give
up comforts for others, but it really does make me happy!
The people of this
country are my family. I don´t know how I´m going to have my heart in two
places at once, for the rest of my life. I don´t want to say goodbye to any of
them (and I won´t... SKYPE). I really have seen the Savior at work in the lives
of these crazy, loving Cabo Verdians in a crazy, loving way. It´s pure
religion, and even though at times it seemed just too simple, the simplicity
made it life changing.
You guys, I don´t
want to leave! But I´m excited to see you all next week. Sprint to the end
Peacin´ out.
Sister Hanzel